Epilepsy: 12 Things Patients and Families Should Know
This free session will include a question and answer session with the presenters providing information on epilepsy treatment and management services at Beaumont Hospital, Troy.
Tuesday, April 24, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Beaumont Outpatient Services Center, Classrooms A&B, (across the street from Beaumont Hospital, Troy)
Speakers include:
Elizabeth Fischetti, R-EEGT, Clinical Neurophysiology
Russ Derry, M.P.H., Director of Education, Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan
Seating is limited so register early by visiting classes.beaumont.edu or calling 800-633-7377.
For more information or questions,contact the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at 248-551-2315 or neuroscience@beaumont.edu. Register now
Beaumont Outpatient Services Center
across the street from Beaumont, Troy
Sterling Heights,
United States